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Windows 8 Consumer Preview

     A day after its release, Microsoft tweeted that Windows 8 Consumer Preview have reached a million downloads.  Windows 8, the latest update to the Windows operating system, is to be officially unveiled in October 2012 but a consumer preview has been made available to the public since February 29, 2012.

What's New?

Several things:
  • They made the familiar even better with your favorite Windows applications now with a brand new appeal and a fresher interface.

Hachiko: A Movie Review

     Also known as Hachiko: A Dog's Story, this extraordinary movie about an unlikely friendship was released in June 2009 and have touched many hearts including mine.  Watching this film can make you a bit sad and at the same time might make you realize that there are things such as loyalty, love, and friendship -- and that all these noble feelings can come from a dog.  (Writing this introduction makes me miss Yassu and Yesha, my dogs.  You might want to read about them HERE).

Freedom Writers: A Movie Review

     Freedom Writers was released January 2007 and is one of the few movies that has truly inspired me.  Though it patterns on formula and cliché, it is still a reflection of the truth -- and the truth it tells is a story that's worth telling.  The movie poses a challenge for many of us:  to do what is right.  If you have a heart, this film will get to you.