
  1. With the exemption of visitors' comments and guest posts, articles published on this site are all written by -- ahurm -- me. In case of a guest post, the author is given credit at the end of the article.

  2. If the photo used is not mine, the name of the owner will be indicated right below the image.

  3. Information, images, logos and other multimedia content taken from external sources are given proper credit and are mentioned in this blog for reference purposes only.  They are owned by their respective companies/owners/proprietors.

  4. Side bar gadgets/widgets used in this site are all taken from Blogger's "Add a Gadget" feature except for some which were taken from tutorials over the Internet.  The sources were given credit by providing a link back to them.

  5. Cbox chat widget and Twitter updater are free gadgets that are used with permission from their owners under strict compliance with their terms of usage.

  6. In case you own rights to any of the information, images or multimedia content used and do not wish them to appear on this site, please contact me via e-mail so I can deal with the issues properly.

  7. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies, I do not warranty the correctness or reliability of the site's content. While I have taken the effort to provide my readers with the most accurate information, please conduct further research to validate before using them further. And if you will utilize the information you found from this site, you can thank me by linking back or promoting this blog to your friends. ☺.

  8. The opinions I've expressed on this blog are entirely mine and do not include the opinion and point of view of my family, relatives, or my friends.

  9. Advertisements

  10. In case the comments posted by visitors expressing their thoughts offend someone in any way, please let me know of the reason so immediate action can be taken.  Furthermore, these comments do not reflect the opinion of the site owner and I sure hope not to be held responsible for the accuracy and correctness of such an opinion.

  11. The site is not responsible for the content and purpose of any external website; any link to such site does not signify endorsement.

  12. The site may earn revenue from advertisements displayed on this blog. Be informed that as a result of these ad servings, third party sites may be placing and reading cookies on your browser, or using web beacons to collect information about you.

  13. If your name or photo was published on this site and you wish them to be removed, just let me know and appropriate action will be taken. My contact details are on the right side bar.

    I will definitely understand why you don't want to get famous. 

  14. If the site did something offending to anyone, apology will be in order.  After-all, this disclaimer is bound to save my ass.

  15. I also own SHOW ME YOUR LOOK TODAY and if you've noticed that the Disclaimer sounded familiar (just in case you were able to read it), that's because I use the same Disclaimer across all my sites.

  16. If you think I still need to add something to this disclaimer, feel free to let me know...  Just make sure that it will not compromise anyone, specially ME. ☺

  17. Thank you for reading!

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  1. hello my friend, please visit us @ http://busytimeonline.blogspot.com. thank you my friend ^ __ ^

    1. Thanks for the visit, visited you back. ☺

  2. Cool blog and good disclaimer
    really make u look like adventurer ^-^
    please comment back on my blog :)

  3. nice blogg you freind,keep sprit and enjoy blogwalking ..


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About The Author

        Hi, my name is Michael and I am The Pinoy Wanderer. I'm an entrepreneur, a blogger, but mostly a son, a brother, a lover, and a good friend. I am just like you. Join me in my journey as I discover the world.


The Pinoy Wanderer
Established September 2011