Quick Post About Hotel and Taxi Drivers

I'll be brief.

(1) It's sort of advisable to book hotels using sites like agoda.com. I was not able to book online because my laptop died on me while I was checking out my options yesterday. Typhoon Glenda brought down many trees in our area, specially in our backyard, and of course, damaged a few electricity lines -- so no power for almost two weeks now. I've decided I'll just go to the hotel and inquire about the affordable room I saw from agoda.com before my laptop's screen went black. Lo and behold for when I got there, the only available room for the day is worth P2300. Not convinced and refusing to be out of options, I went to the nearest Starbucks and charged my laptop. Look, I was able to find a cheaper room and it's a wayyy BETTER room than the ones they've offered me. I booked for 2 nights while I do my business in the city. I'll probably review my stay in the hotel through a future post.

(2) My taxi driver earlier was a 71 year old lolo and in the approximately 5-minute-ride I had with him, I found out that he's from Cavite and he commutes everyday to Makati to drive a cab and earn money for his 4 grand kids. Why is he the one taking care of them? Apparently his daughter lost her mind when her husband died (I didn't ask how he died), so she's in the mental hospital and Manong Joey is left with four kids to take care of. I didn't ask if his wife is still alive too, and I'm not really sure whether to believe his entire story -- but I do wish that when I'm 71, I 'd still be able to do what he does. I doubled my fare, it was a short ride, the least I could do. I'd given more but I'm a typhoon victim and I need to spend my money wisely. LOL! (This goes to say that I'm a good listener, so yeah, you can tell me your stories and expect me to emphatize, sympathize or whatnot, pfftt!)

(3) When you're in the hospitality business, it would help if you are -- ahem -- HOSPITABLE. I texted my good friend bes TL to ask the location of the nearest Starbucks that's already open, he said Starbucks in Shang (Edsa) or in Greenfields. Nearest to where I am was Shangri-La so that's where I directed the taxi. When I got there, they're sort of opening the place but they said they won't be open until 7:30am. The time then was 6:30am. I am indifferent to how they are indifferent to my friendly query. Yeah, I'm sure I was friendly at that time, I'm good with my friendly face. I asked next where I could charge my laptop, the suggestion they had was 7-11. I know they don't do that sort of service but they needed the benefit of the doubt so I checked. Their suggestion was not helpful at all. So yeah, when in you're that profession, be hospitable, at least. The knowledge part can be ignored, but a friendlier face and smile is a requirement. Enough said.

Did I say I would be brief? Until my next wandering then. See ya!

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        Hi, my name is Michael and I am The Pinoy Wanderer. I'm an entrepreneur, a blogger, but mostly a son, a brother, a lover, and a good friend. I am just like you. Join me in my journey as I discover the world.


The Pinoy Wanderer
Established September 2011