I'm Loving The Province

     Hey guys, how are you all doing?

     I'm having my vacation here at home in the province and a bit busy with something that my brother and I are brewing -- thus my long absence from blogging. It's supposed to be just a few days visit at my parents' place but something came up and it needed my attention so I extended indefinitely.  Anyway, just wanna tell you all how much I miss blogging and while I'm picking some stuff in the city, I dropped by at a nearby coffee shop and said HI to all my blogger friends and loyal readers.

     I'll probably be heading back to Manila in a few weeks time but while I'm here, I'm just taking lots of pictures and will show you soon how much I enjoy the quiet and slow life here in Bicol.  Can't wait to upload all the photos!  Anyway, I forgot to bring my camera today so I checked my phone and here are some of what I found that I wanna share with you guys.

     Our humble home is surrounded with fruit-bearing trees like santol, avocado, mango and these quite goodlooking rambutan. Want some?

     When I arrived a few weeks back, my black labrador retriever Yesha is extremely overweight.  Even the neighbor have mistaken her for a pig, LOL!  After a few weeks of regular walks at night, she's back to her athletic self.  Here a shot from my phone.  The shots from my camera are way better tho.

     Here's another shot.

     Here's the charming but extremely lazy Yassu. Say "bang!" and he'll do his favorite hobby -- sleep.  Pfffttt!

      I love the weather here in bicol. Normal days are sunny but because we're surrounded by trees, even afternoons are cool and shady.  Here's a shot of our lawn where the dogs are sometimes let loose to play.

     That's all for now folks! Thank you for dropping by. Until my next wandering! 

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  1. Wow nasa bakasyon ka pala kaya ang tagal mong nawala parekoy :)

    nice dogs btw and penge nung rambutan hehe!


  2. tol...pasalubong ko.... hehe, ako rin uwi kami sa bohol ds friday.

  3. aaw I so misss this "prabins"!

    lol to the piggy dog :)

  4. hi mike, how are you :)
    i hope everything is okey :)

  5. Cute Yesha! :D

    Love to stay at the province!

  6. mykeeeeee i missu so badly,,, its long time right?

    btw, enjoy ut trip ^^

  7. it's been a long time too since i got online here.. i love avocado and rambutan.. and i've been there in bicol, it was love at first sight.. i wanna go back, adopt me.. lol

  8. i always describe province as PEACE because its home! hahaha i miss lying under the tree!!

  9. kakainggit ka naman Michael... you have all the time to enjoy youself..... wish i could still do the things you do here ....

    wensha staff


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About The Author

        Hi, my name is Michael and I am The Pinoy Wanderer. I'm an entrepreneur, a blogger, but mostly a son, a brother, a lover, and a good friend. I am just like you. Join me in my journey as I discover the world.


The Pinoy Wanderer
Established September 2011