What Cosmetic Dentistry Can Do

     We wear the best clothes, nicest shoes, and coolest accessories  We get a haircut and spend time to style our hair.  We take care of our skin and our faces.  We put on that designer scent before going out.  And to finish our look, we flash that bright, cute smile across our face.  As Martin Charnin once said,  "You're never fully dressed without a smile."  And that, dear friends, is absolutely true.

     A smile can change how our face looks like and even change our overall appearance.  And how we look DOES NOT only affect our self-esteem, or how we regard ourselves, IT ALSO influence the world's perception of us.  Many people, myself included, have not been so keen on smiling.  The worst reaction I got for not smiling often was people thought I was shy, and even worse, many perceived me to be indifferent.  Can you imagine that?  If only they knew that I just didn't smile frequently because I wasn't confident enough of my smile.

On picture:  Though Oprah Winfrey's teeth were never in terrible shape, it was rumored that she used  Invisalign braces at some point.

     But thank God for science and modern technology, many people can now smile more often because of Cosmetic Dentistry.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic  Dentistry refers to comprehensive dental care encompassing one or a combination of treatments which can bring to our oral health these benefits:


Aesthetic Improvements:  Cosmetic dentistry improves the overall appearance and facial appeal by correcting the alignment, shape, and color of teeth. 
  • Veneers and porcelain caps or porcelain crowns can improve the appearance of stained, chipped, and misshapen teeth.
  • Gum recontouring or gumlift can correct uneven gums.
  • Replace old fillings with nearly invisible filling materials or if the tooth is totally irreparable, perform dental implants.  
Many Hollywood stars owe their picture-perfect smiles to Cosmetic Dentistry.  Tom Cruise among others.

Improved Functionality:  Teeth that are crooked, missing, misaligned or gapped can cause extreme discomfort when eating or even while just talking.  Cosmetic dentistry can correct that with dental implants, dental bonding, porcelain crowns, bridges, and other restorative treatments to restore smile to its fullest functionality.

Catherine Zeta-Jones used to have gaps and fang-shaped teeth before the beautiful smile she sports today.
     The benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry extends from our physical well being to our mental wellness.  Even Hollywood stars have undergone cosmetic dental work so they can look like what they are now -- stars.  I myself have decided to have braces to improve my smile and in case it needs to have more work, I'll go for it.  Right now, I'm smiling more and more often, after-all, "The world always looks brighter from behind a smile."

     Thank you guys for reading.  Until my next wandering!

*Pictures of celebrities were taken from Google image search.
*This is a paid post but the opinions and views expressed are entirely my own.
tags: celebrities who have undergone cosmetic dentistry, Hollywood celebrities before and after cosmetic dentistry
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  1. Hello and happy Sunday.
    Spring is coming.LOL.

    1. Thanks Teb! Indeed, spring is coming. Well, summer here in my country. LOL

  2. wow ... Mike! Impressive indeed!

    Well, here in Brazil we say: "There are no ugly people, there are poor people" ... rsrsrs
    Such images reinforce this truth.
    The artists before the fame, glory and money, seem sloppy and not as pretty, but after ... We see a huge difference!
    Greetings from Brasil!

    1. Hey Clark! That saying you just quoted absolutely made sense. LOL!

  3. ummm... what's her face had it done too, hilary duff. the first time she did it, it was funky lookin' it was way too big for her and she did sized it down. i think that if you just take care of yourself you wouldn't need all these crazy cosmetics to help yourself look good LOL!

    how you doin' myke?

    1. Yeah, I remember Hilary Duff. Haha. I was supposed to cite her as an example on this post but thought of it otherwise. Hey Vin, I'm great. Just visited your blog. ☺

    2. i'm great as well... replied to some of your comments and so here i am, replying on your entry's comment LOL! weird!!!

    3. wait! i meant "replied to your comment in my blog" haha!

    4. Haha, ok Vin! Your blog is loading as I'm typing this reply. ☺

  4. its me xany owner of http://pasyal-lakbay.blogspot.com/ come and visit and view panagbenga festival here in the phlippines

    anyway its a good job.. ill visit here for updates..

    1. Thank you. I've visited your site and left a comment too. ☺

  5. hello just visiting

  6. o di ba akalain mo nga naman nagagawa ng sensya ngayon no? kaya wag nang magulat kung isang araw malaman mo na lang na si Beki Mae eh makumpleto na ang transpormasyon :D

    kongrats sa raket, myke!

    1. And I can't wait when that moment comes. Haha! Hello Ms. KM.

  7. A very good post
    have a nice day

  8. I've learned so many about cosmetic dentistry can do and they do to improve your smile.

  9. Wow! What a start up. I am solely agreed with the speeh of Martin Charnin "You're never fully dressed without a smile." This is so meaningful that tells everything about the need of dental care. And surely to flash a attention drawing smile we can't avoid the need of healthy teeth. In this article the issue has been scratched in a brilliant way. I love to travel in such type of good read. Also I can share a site that promises to serve their clients at the highest possibility. Dentist Thornhill
    Cosmetic Dentistry
    Dental Office


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About The Author

        Hi, my name is Michael and I am The Pinoy Wanderer. I'm an entrepreneur, a blogger, but mostly a son, a brother, a lover, and a good friend. I am just like you. Join me in my journey as I discover the world.


The Pinoy Wanderer
Established September 2011