A Veneto Pizzeria Ristorante: A Review

     For some of us, this year came as a blur and just when we're getting used to things, another year will yet again come to pass.  Indeed, time does fly so fast!  As such, let's make every moment count by spending quality time with the people we love.  And what other awesome way to spend time with them but over a table of delicious and sumptuous food?

     Hey folks, The Pinoy Wanderer is back!  And before the year finally came to a close, I had the chance to dine with some of my friends and while we talk about things, events and interests, we sampled some of A Veneto's Italian cuisines.  Yep, I'm back to talk about food -- again, haha!

     The A Veneto branch we visited is located at G/F SM Mall of Asia and because it's the holiday season, we waited for a while before the three of us were seated.  It was around 9pm when we were ushered inside and since we were starving, we ordered something heavy.  Go check what we had:

A Veneto Family Platter P300.00 - a combination of their chicken wings
with crabsticks, cheddar munchers and French fries.

New England's Best (Small) P270.00 - with ham, mushroom, green bell pepper, mozzarella cheese.

Carbonara Pasta with Chicken P315.00


     A Veneto is a casual Italian restaurant and it was my first time to visit them.  The place seem ideal for group dining because their servings are huge!  An order of their pasta is good to feed 2 to 3 hungry mouths.  Their hot wings were tasty, their pizza good enough and the pasta made me overwhelmingly full.  Talk about carbo-loading, hah!  Though the crabsticks tasted like rubber (dipping it in the sauce made it taste like the sauce) and the condiments are limited, I totally enjoyed my meal.  Their food is totally worth your money.  Furthermore, it was fun listening to my friends' stories as they recount some events that included graphic story-telling and whatnot -- all in all, I had a great time.

     With my refillable rootbeer and 2 non-refillable iced tea, we paid a total of P1,118.25.  They have 5% service charge but since it's the holiday, we still gave some tip.  I might come back again to A Veneto to sample more of their dishes.  I'm raring to try out their pesto with grilled chicken, I heard it's really good.

     Anyway, if you've been to A Veneto, tell me about your dining experience on the comments' section below.  What can you recommend I order the next time I visit the place?

     Until my next wandering everybody!
tags: restaurants in SM Mall of Asia, affordable restaurants in MOA
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  1. Paborito ko rin yang A Veneto. Masarap and affordable.

  2. haven't been there.. but it looks really good.. will try ;)

  3. Im very glad to have you back mike!!!!!!

  4. Wow, Myke!

    This dish: "P300.00 Veneto Family Platter" ... Really made ​​me hungry ...
    I especially love french fries!

    Wow! But I think you were really hungry! rsrsrs

    Pizza + fries + a coke super cold .... Huuummm ... What a delight!

  5. made me hungry...nice posts. have a good night.

  6. Hi, Myke!
    My concern with the restrictions that are happening on the Internet, it is because someone said: "Imagine you produce a tsunami to extinguish a fire in the forest... you will probably destroy as much as the fire!"
    - At the end ... will finish bad things and good too!

  7. our favorite pasta & pizza resto. all-time favorites: nut pesto with seafood and seafood pesto pie, super yummy!! :)


  8. "aigoo"... the french fries look soo tasty.

  9. Hello everyone, thank you for visiting!


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About The Author

        Hi, my name is Michael and I am The Pinoy Wanderer. I'm an entrepreneur, a blogger, but mostly a son, a brother, a lover, and a good friend. I am just like you. Join me in my journey as I discover the world.


The Pinoy Wanderer
Established September 2011