Benefits of Internet Marketing

      Over the years, people have become fully comfortable with the Internet and businesses have been quick to use this to their advantage.  Internet marketing, as one aspect of business, have utilized this trend so that companies and organizations, whether big or small, can reach its full potential.

     Internet Marketing (also known as web marketing, online marketing, or e-marketing) is defined by Wikipedia as the promotion of products or services over the Internet.  Let's face it, most people stay online -- and what's the best place to promote products but someplace where people hang out all the time, right?

In my opinion, here are the top three advantages of Internet Marketing:

Worldwide Reach - Billboards are restricted by location and can only influence those who are paying attention to them.  Consumers will hang up or put off a  telemarketer as soon as they sound like they're selling something.  TV and radio ads, while they do reach a wide market, are expensive, limited and still can't compare to pop-up banner ads or links on a webpage.  With Internet marketing, your business can be viewed by people from anywhere in the the world.  No geographic boundaries.  As long as there's Internet, there is a potential client.  

Inexpensive - Not only is Internet marketing fast and effective, it's also affordable.  Of course, it can also be costly if you want your banner ad or link be displayed in an extremely popular website.  But with the traffic that that site is getting, and compared to other forms of promotion, it is still far more affordable and definitely cost effective.  And the truth is, the Internet is the biggest ad space and there will always be a room for just about any size of business for promoting their products and services.


Reach Target Audience - Sending emails which contain information about your product or services means that you will reach thousands of costumers at once.  Your website is another venue where your targeted audience can learn more about what your offer.  Furthermore, people who search specifically for the product that you have will be directed by search engines to your website.  And since the Internet does not sleep (provided that you have an excellent server), your website is -- meaning your business -- is open all hours of the day.

     Internet marketing has also its limitations, but the benefits it can bring to a business is far greater than the risks.  Besides, taking risks is all part of the ball game.  A great marketing strategy, paired with great products or services is a tested formula for a successful business endeavor. 

      Thank you for reading folks and until my next wandering!

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  1. I have not thought to be internet marketing, maybe next time.

  2. nice post ...
    Congrulation........Always for you........
    visit back ..

  3. Nice blog.. visit mine too...

  4. Hey, Myke!
    Wow .. I'm really so tired ... hahaha
    Believe it or not, I worked all day in the new post.
    Maybe I'm going crazy!... ahahah
    So is that, Friend!
    Oh! I followed your suggestion in this new Post... Thank you very much!
    See you later!
    Take care!

  5. Wish you and your family a great Sunday. Thanks for your visite. Hugs

  6. have a nice day visit me and follow!!! nice blog!!

  7. Nice information you have here . Thanks for sharing :)

  8. Hi, Myke!
    THERE ARE ONLY 11 days to Christmas! ... HO ... HO ... HO ...
    I have started the countdown ... rsrsrs

    "Jingle bells, jingle bells
    Jingle all the way
    Oh, what fun it is to ride
    In a one horse open sleigh..." HO HO HO

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Thank you guys for the visit. You rock!

  11. bucks2blog never choose me for their campaigns :(

    1. Hi Henry! Don't give up just yet. I'm sure they will in the future. I read some of your work and they were great! ☺


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About The Author

        Hi, my name is Michael and I am The Pinoy Wanderer. I'm an entrepreneur, a blogger, but mostly a son, a brother, a lover, and a good friend. I am just like you. Join me in my journey as I discover the world.


The Pinoy Wanderer
Established September 2011