Holy Week 2019 Celebration

     Faith is nourishment for our soul.  Although I've been a Catholic all my life, I was raised by my parents to be friends with everybody despite differences in culture, social status, and religion.  I've learned that religion is such a sensitive topic but when talking about it (I'd rather not if it can be helped), I do not focus on the differences but rather on the similarities.  I know that across all religion, there are certain things that can be agreed on such as kindness, respect, and love -- among other things.

A candid shot during my sister's wedding in Calaruega last October 2018. Photo by Myio Okamoto Photography.

     In our family, we have yearly traditions to celebrate our faith and our Christianity.  We used to have yearly "pasyon" or "pabasa" scheduled every Holy Mondays during the Holy Week --  but since my parents' stroke (dad in 2013 and my mom in 2016), we've decided not to do it anymore.  Here's an old video I found of our "pabasa" last March 2013.

     My mom was a dressmaker and she made clothes for St. Peter and Mater Dolorosa as her thanksgiving gesture for the graces we received.  After her stroke, since she can't make those dresses anymore, I've approached some of my good friends to help us go through with the tradition.  And so, despite the hardships we've endured this year, with our family and friends' help, we were able to express and celebrate our faith successfully.

Best Free Watch Faces for TicWatch Pro

     Watch is an essential part of our style and an accessory that is both fashionable and functional.  Here is a list I made of my favorite watch faces that I use for my TicWatch Pro.

Me and my TicWatch Pro showing off one of my favorite watch faces: Marine Commander.

     Although I can't afford expensive watches, I make sure that I have several pieces that goes well with my clothes (whether I'm in dress clothes, casual, or street style) and that the brands I chose will last for several years.  Many of us got excited when smart watches became popular because this means that we can customize and add more functionalities to the watches.  But just like any new technology, smart watches become obsolete after a few months, thus, not really a good investment unlike buying old-school analog watches.

     I spent at least two weeks before finally deciding which smart watch to buy because frankly, they don't come cheap.  In the end, I got myself a TicWatch Pro because I liked the layered display and the better performing battery.  I've been using it for a few months now and I can honestly say that I'm enjoying its performance.  I also bought a stainless metal strap that I interchange with it's default hybrid leather-silicon strap to suit my style for the day.  It's fun changing watch faces to suit my clothes and style.  I've scoured the Internet for watch faces to use but hardly found a list where I liked all the suggestions.  So in this post, I will list down 20 watch faces that are my favorite and looks great on my TicWatch Pro.

Here wearing one of my go-to watch faces: Cronosurf Wave Watch.

     A TicWatch Pro is a bit formal in appearance, thus, artistic or too colorful watch faces won't go well with it.  Here are a few things I've considered when choosing the right watch face for my TicWatch Pro. 

About The Author

        Hi, my name is Michael and I am The Pinoy Wanderer. I'm an entrepreneur, a blogger, but mostly a son, a brother, a lover, and a good friend. I am just like you. Join me in my journey as I discover the world.


The Pinoy Wanderer
Established September 2011