#Banchetto Meralco Avenue

     Banchetto has been one of my favorite food destinations since I discovered this "OVERNIGHT STREET FOOD FIESTA" last January 2011.  From then on, when me and my friends would go out Friday nights, we sometimes drop by Banchetto at around 5AM the next day to have breakfast at their old location in Emerald Avenue. 

At the new Bachetto Meralco Avenue, and our favorite food stall.
     Banchetto is an Italian word which means a 'banquet' or a 'feast' which, in this case, is definitely true.  Started February 2006, this weekly overnight street food feast began with only around 14 food vendors and grew up to 130 last December 2010.  After the success of Banchetto EMERALD along F. Ortigas Jr. Avenue (formerly known as Emerald Avenue), several other Banchetto venues were born:

Windows 8 Consumer Preview

     A day after its release, Microsoft tweeted that Windows 8 Consumer Preview have reached a million downloads.  Windows 8, the latest update to the Windows operating system, is to be officially unveiled in October 2012 but a consumer preview has been made available to the public since February 29, 2012.

What's New?

Several things:
  • They made the familiar even better with your favorite Windows applications now with a brand new appeal and a fresher interface.

Hachiko: A Movie Review

     Also known as Hachiko: A Dog's Story, this extraordinary movie about an unlikely friendship was released in June 2009 and have touched many hearts including mine.  Watching this film can make you a bit sad and at the same time might make you realize that there are things such as loyalty, love, and friendship -- and that all these noble feelings can come from a dog.  (Writing this introduction makes me miss Yassu and Yesha, my dogs.  You might want to read about them HERE).

About The Author

        Hi, my name is Michael and I am The Pinoy Wanderer. I'm an entrepreneur, a blogger, but mostly a son, a brother, a lover, and a good friend. I am just like you. Join me in my journey as I discover the world.


The Pinoy Wanderer
Established September 2011